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Three Reasons You Should Be Waxing Instead of Shaving

It’s an age-old question: which is better for hair removal—shaving or waxing? Sure, they both have pros and cons, but if you ask us, waxing is the clear way to go. Below are three reasons to ditch the razor and join the waxing side.

It lasts way longer


Enough with packing a razor for your weeklong beach getaway! While shaving typically lasts only a couple days before hair returns, waxing services last up to 5-6 weeks. If remembering to shave is a hassle, waxing’s long-term benefits may be for you.

It’s more effective

How many times have you rushed through a shave job and accidentally nicked yourself? Or, left the shower after shaving and discovered an entire patch of unwanted hair. When you get professional waxing services, trained employees implement state-of-the-art techniques that leave you hair-free without painful cuts, razor burns or inconsistencies. Plus, waxing prevents ingrown hairs. Yes, even in those hard-to-reach spots.

Hair grows back without stubble or itchiness


There’s nothing worse than shaving on Tuesday, only to find your skin covered in prickly stubble by Saturday. That’s because razor blades cut off already-growing hair, leaving a rough, square end. Waxing, however, removes hair directly from the root, leaving a fine tip growing in its place. Say hello to soft skin, even three weeks later!

At A Glo Spa & Salon, we want you to feel beautiful in your skin. According to Christi Newell, our proud owner with decades of hair-removal experience, “Waxing services provide freedom that women and men just can’t achieve by shaving. Our clients leave their waxing sessions glowing and more confident than ever.” If you think waxing is for you, check out our services and request an appointment today with a hair removal specialist.
